Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The World of Facebook

I am fortunately and unfortunately a Facebook user. I was very reluctant to join the network and give up my Myspace account, but once I did (and got accustomed to the new site) I was very happy and excited for the new advances. Like anything else that technology develops, some people fall victim to addiction and Facebooking is no exception. I see time after time kids start on a page of notes for a class and quickly revert to Facebook in another window. Constantly reading status updates, wall posts, starting IM conversations, until the class flies right past them and they don't consume a single piece of information. I am sad to say that in my first quarter this did happen to me, however, I now am very aware of the horrible impact this kind of networking can have on an individual in these circumstances. We pay good money for these classes, so why sit on Facebook when we can do that after the class and any other time?
Because the other window open on my screen is Facebook, I can tell you that I have 610 friends. Considering I only have maybe 20 friends that I constantly speak to and maybe 20 more that are family, this amount is just ridiculous and excessive. I just can't seem to get rid of the people I don't talk to, not sure why but it isn't harming me any. I have also been warned many MANY times by my mother that it is important that I avoid posting vulgar or questionable material on my page because of future job opportunities. I am also in a sorority, and it is very important for Nationals and for our chapter that we show just how classy and reserved we are. I think it is very inappropriate and I do believe that people look down on those who use Facebook in a crude manner.
I am not concerned with companies who search Facebook profiles in order to gain personal information about a potential employee. I say this simply because my profile is clean and I have always been aware of the effects that this behavior can have on an individual. If and when I ever have my own business, I will most likely use this approach. Not as my only qualifier, but it will play a part in my choosing of my employees, mostly because what you post on Facebook shows what you want the world to think about you. 
I will end on a positive. Businesses and television stations that have entered the world of Facebook are joining what can only be described as an advance in media coverage. They are getting the word out to not only viewers, television owners, and other businesses they work with, but the entire world. Facebook can either be a positive or a detrimental advantage made in the fast paced world of technology.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thinking About My Future

My major is now accounting. I am one of the most indecisive people that I have ever met, it is good and bad depending on the topic. Asking a person like me, "what do you want to do for the rest of your life?" is not a way to become my friend. I HATE THIS QUESTION. I have, in my three quarters of college, changed my major, and career choice six times. However, this time I think I have nailed it. I am extremely organized and completely OCD about money, time, and every other resource I am limited with. Possessing these qualities allow me into the business world with ease.
On top of the business world I have really dug deep into research deciding where I want to go career wise with this major. Always being interested in language, I started to think international business. Soon after, I only wanted that title to take a language. Finally I decided to minor in Italian. Going off this, I began looking to study abroad in Italy during the last two years of my stay at Wright State.
Tying it all together, I would love to own my own private business. I want to live in Italy for awhile to get my inspiration, and eventually manage and own a winery. A winery filled with all Italian imported wine. In love with my Italian heritage this will easily satisfy that piece of me as well as be a wonderful job for finance purposes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Growing Up Without Television

If we could unplug all the televisions in America, our children would grow up in a completely different world. While allowing your child to watch TV for hours on end can be directly related to weight issues in younger ages. Some shows can be educational and even helpful for children in lower grades or even infants and toddlers that do not yet attend school. Moderation here is the key. By monitoring what the children watch, and how often they watch the shows we can more or less improve their personalities and minds. I believe the kids that watch shows that teach manners and other social behaviors have a good foundation and have it easier when they enter schooling. I know that I learned almost all my social mannerisms as well as how to properly brush my teeth and other tasks from Barney and Baby Bop. As an only child with two parents that work full-time, I did get some (but not all) of my cooking and cleaning skills from shows. These shows often portrayed aroutine "clean up time" which put a fun song to an ordinarily boring chore. However, I do believe that if the televisions were taken away, more kids would play outside, something that is lacking in our society today. Kids channels such as Nickelodeon and Disney are constantly running commercials that outright say, get outside and play. If the advertising on those channels can say this, I must assume that it is a problem that they would like to fix (also going along with moderation in the child's life).In saying this, the child's health would most likely improve with the loss of the TV. I can only give my opinion, and based on the television shows I watched, I do believe that children should be allowed (in moderation) towatch shows that will ultimately begin to shape them at an age that only allows a few options for brain stimulation.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rhetorical Situation

This is a piece done by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. I chose this artwork first, because I love things that are black and white figuratively and literally. And secondly, it draws my attention and gives me questions that cannot be answered. It is done in pencil which is interesting to me because he uses shading and fading to capture the image in a most unique way. He emphasizes on her face and the veil in the back, but not the front. He allows the veil to fade out so the viewers may see the woman's face and also fades toward the bottom of the piece, putting less emphasis on her body. Obviously the artist found the woman appealing and portrayed her that way in the painting while leaving it somewhat of a mystery.  The woman appears to be looking into the distance and she has a smirk on her face; however, the audience does not have the ability to know what is making her smile. I believe that he knew the woman and he portrayed her in a very attractive manner. He made her look very dainty and sophisticated while keeping her appealing and classy to all types of viewers. No one would look at this piece and assume the woman was lower class and would even go as far as assuming she lived a very fair, maybe even wealthy lifestyle. artist may have painted this to catch this woman in the essence of the moment, but I do not see a specific reason why (other than personal) that he would have wanted to create this piece.