Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Growing Up Without Television

If we could unplug all the televisions in America, our children would grow up in a completely different world. While allowing your child to watch TV for hours on end can be directly related to weight issues in younger ages. Some shows can be educational and even helpful for children in lower grades or even infants and toddlers that do not yet attend school. Moderation here is the key. By monitoring what the children watch, and how often they watch the shows we can more or less improve their personalities and minds. I believe the kids that watch shows that teach manners and other social behaviors have a good foundation and have it easier when they enter schooling. I know that I learned almost all my social mannerisms as well as how to properly brush my teeth and other tasks from Barney and Baby Bop. As an only child with two parents that work full-time, I did get some (but not all) of my cooking and cleaning skills from shows. These shows often portrayed aroutine "clean up time" which put a fun song to an ordinarily boring chore. However, I do believe that if the televisions were taken away, more kids would play outside, something that is lacking in our society today. Kids channels such as Nickelodeon and Disney are constantly running commercials that outright say, get outside and play. If the advertising on those channels can say this, I must assume that it is a problem that they would like to fix (also going along with moderation in the child's life).In saying this, the child's health would most likely improve with the loss of the TV. I can only give my opinion, and based on the television shows I watched, I do believe that children should be allowed (in moderation) towatch shows that will ultimately begin to shape them at an age that only allows a few options for brain stimulation.


  1. I agree with your comment that moderation is the key. You make some very valid points in this blog, and I like the picture you've chosen.

  2. I agree that moderation is the key when it comes to tv. TV itself isn't bad, it just becomes a problem when people lack self control and watch tv for hours and hours. You had several good points on the benefits of tv.
